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Street furniture installation in London

Ramella Graniti Street furniture installation in London

Creation of 19 benches for the safety of the city of London.

We are proud to have been chosen for this important urban furniture project for the city of London.

We have created 19 benches for the safety of the city of London.

The work in London, unfortunately created to respond to a need for security in large metropolises, fulfills this aspect by beautifying the city and people do not have the perception of barricading for protection, but of "simple" elements of street furniture.

30 blocks of Indian red granite were worked to obtain:

  · 16 monolithic “diamond” benches measuring 600 x116x70 cm.

  · 3 monolithic "radius" benches measuring 600x150x48 cm

The benches were delivered to London with a total of 10 trucks.

Total transported weight: 240 tons!

Production duration: 8 months of work

Installation in Exhibition Road in London.

This project was born in collaboration with the company Italmarble Pocai srl.