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We have always used a wide range of materials, from granites to different types of stones, from marbles to quartzes of local and international origins.
  • Granite
    Granite is a rock of volcanic origin and is a natural stone whose name describes its particular structure which is in medium or large grains.
  • Marble
    Màrmaros, in ancient Greek means "shining stone" and marble is in fact a metamorphic stone capable of reflecting light in different ways, resulting limpid and translucent, according to an effect defined as "wax".
  • Luserna
    The Pietra di Luserna is a schistose metamorphic rock belonging to the gneiss group. It is extracted from quarries located in the Cozie Prealps of central-western Piedmont.
  • Sienite
    Sienite is an intermediate intrusive magmatic rock with a composition similar to granites, but, unlike the latter, without quartz or with relatively small quantities of quartz (<5%).
  • Stones
    Stone is the oldest building material in the world with various qualities in terms of both durability and versatility. Realizations on drawing or project.
  • Quartz/Ceramic

    Agglomerates based on marble and quartz and processing with ceramic (Dekton) give a new dimension to stone and allow infinite design possibilities. We have therefore chosen two leader companies that offer a wide range of choices: SANTAMARGHERITA: for surfaces in agglomerated marble and quartz. ; COSENTINO: for "Dekton" ceramic surfaces.

  • Ceramic
    Ceramic is an inorganic, non-metallic material, very ductile in its natural state, rigid after the firing phase.


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